How to invest in the health of your used car

With each year that goes by, a plethora of new automotive care products come on the market promising improved performance and reliability. The difficulty, of course, is differentiating which premium products are worth the cost and which are not.

There are a select few areas of car care where investing in a premium product makes sense. With wiper blades, buying a generic low-cost replacement is never advisable.

“There is a noticeable performance difference in low-cost wiper blades versus those specifically designed for rough weather conditions,” says “Premium wiper blades are significantly sturdier and more durable than low-priced blades.”

If you live in an extreme climate where rain and snow are commonplace, upgrading to high-quality wiper blades can actually save you money in the long run.

Moreover, you can increase the durability of your windshield wipers by taking proper care of them. Each time you wash your car, you should be cleaning your wipers.

When at a gas station, wet a paper towel with windshield cleaner and run it along the edges of the blades, recommends. Also, from time to time, use rubbing alcohol and a clean rag to remove the salt and dirt that accumulates on your wipers.

Another good place to invest your money is in your engine. Over the last few years, there have been significant improvements in synthetic motor oil technology. High-performance long-life motor oils can save money and time as well as improve fuel economy by as much as 3 percent, Car Junky reports.

Make sure to read your owner’s manual to find out which oil viscosity you should be using. Do not use a non-recommended viscosity unless the engine is very worn. In that case, always favor a thicker oil.

Finally, when it comes to gasoline, do not purchase premium grade unless your owner’s manual specifies that you do so.

“The bottom line is that if you use higher octane against manufacturer’s recommendations, you could be paying up to 40 cents more a gallon, which could add up to over $300 a year in extra expenses with no added benefits,” says the news source.

Remember, investing in your vehicle can save you money in the long run, but be careful. There are many premium products on the market today that won’t necessarily help the performance of your car.