Category Archives: Auto Loans & Financing News

Car Loan Approval Now Faster Than Ever

As anybody who tried to get an auto loan during the recession can tell you, they were hard to come by. Even people who had relatively good credit found it difficult to get approved for a loan at the height of the economic downturn. Times have changed, however, and not only are lenders more apt to finance people with lower credit scores, they are doing so more quickly than ever before, Bloomberg reports.

The change in policy can largely be attributed to to the fact that housing market remains slow. As a result, banks have been turning to other ways to grow, and with the auto market rebounding, car loans seems like a logical fit.

Among the lenders who approved the most loans was Capital One. According to Bloomberg, Experian Automotive data shows the bank raised its loans by 35 percent in the third quarter of 2011 along with an astonishing 75 percent in the first two quarters.

In addition to being more likely to approve your loan, banks are doing so much faster. Lenders are realizing that consumers credit scores are improving, so painstakingly combing through each application is becoming a less common practice.

"When the market pulled back, the instant decisions really slowed down. You had more manual reviews,"  Melinda Zabritski, director of automotive credit for Experian Automotive, told the news source. "That’s one of the things you’re starting to see change is you’re going back to the automatic approvals. For a while, you really were only doing automatic declines."

If you're looking to take advantage of the trend, you should head to New Jersey State Auto Auction, which offers guaranteed credit approval. Not only does the dealer have partnerships with all the big banks, but you can get approved in a matter of minutes.

Car Loan Payments Just Part of Life For Some

Results of a new poll reveal some startling figures regarding how people feel about car loans. The study discovered that 64.3 percent of respondents believe that they will have a car payment during the rest of their life.

The research, conducted by, polled 500 people in December and is indicative of a changing mentality among motorists. In a similar survey conducted five years ago, researchers found that only 48.6 percent felt that having a car payment was just part of life. However, things seems to have changed considerably since then.

"Because there are a lot of similarities between cars and cell phones today people also look at car payments with the same pay-as-you-go mentality," said Sergio Stiberman, CEO and founder of "More people today realize having a car payment is just something they will always have."

Aside from the obvious benefits of not having a monthly payment hanging over your head, paying  a car loan in a timely fashion has many other advantages. This is especially true for people who may have a bad credit history. Making loan payments on time is a great way to rebuild your record and put you on solid footing.

Though it might seem difficult to get approved for auto financing if you have bad credit, there's no need to worry thanks to New Jersey State Auto Auction. As the result of a partnership with the Credit Acceptance Corporation, New Jersey Auto is able to offer guaranteed credit approval to anyone who applies. Not only that, but approval usually occurs in just a matter of minutes so you can be driving off in a used car in no time.

Tips to Restore Your Credit

The economy may have taken some steps toward recovery in 2011, but for people who suffered a credit setback over the last 12 months, it probably doesn't seem like it. Though it can be tough to build back your credit score, there are a number of ways to go about doing so, and according to Fox News, all it takes is a consistent effort.

One of the best things you can do to rebuild your record is to stay on top of your credit cards. Along with paying back loans and other expenses, keeping the balance on your credit card below 30 percent of your limit (and making payments on time) is one of the easiest ways to climb back to a better score.

In a similar vein, experts stress the benefits of using cash whenever possible. Though it might be tempting to charge purchases here and there, advisers say that using cash more often can be an effective way to give you more breathing room financially.

The news source reports that you should also be sure that your credit report is up to date and free of any errors. If you find any potential mistakes, you can lobby to have them changed, which could help you significantly in the long run.

If you have a bad credit score, it may seem like you may not be able to get an auto loan. However, at New Jersey State Auto Auction, such is not the case. Thanks to a partnership with Credit Acceptance Corporation, New Jersey Auto offers guaranteed approval in just a matter of minutes. That way, you can drive off the lot in a new car and be on your way to restoring your credit.

Buying a Used Car on Limited Income

For people with a limited income, it may seem like buying a used car is out of the question. Regardless of your current driving situation, getting behind the wheel of a newer vehicle could be just a pipe dream until you have more money coming in. While a restricted budget certainly presents a number of challenges, MSN Autos reports that there are ways around them, it all depends on how wisely you shop.

The most important thing to consider is what type of car you can afford. While some may want to hold out for a new vehicle, buying a used car is likely the better option. Experts say that pre-owned vehicles are as reliable as ever and, depending on how old they are, can include a number of convenient features.

Even 10-year-old cars can be attractive options for people operating on a limited budget. For example, MSN Autos found a 2002 Toyota Camry with about 111,000 miles that was going for $7,000 – certainly an affordable prices for a model widely regarded for its reliability.

The same can be said for minivans. Consumers looking for an affordable method of transporting their family should look into the Chrysler Town and Country. Specifically, the 2003 model fared especially well in terms of affordability and reliability, according to J.D. Power and Associates.

Choosing the right car is only the first step, and sometimes auto financing can be difficult for people with limited means as well, especially if they have poor credit history. However, at New Jersey State Auto Auction, there is no need to worry. Thanks to a partnership with the Credit Acceptance Corporation, New Jersey Auto is able to offer guaranteed credit approval in just a matter of minutes.

2012 to be a Good Year for Car Loans

Due to the uncertain economy, the last few years have proven to be a difficult time to get a car loan. That's about to change in 2012. As numbers improve and consumers are more likely to buy cars, it looks like lenders are also going to approve more loan applications. The Detroit Free Press reports that the average loan rate is about 1 percent lower than last year, making it the perfect time to head to New Jersey State Auto Auction to buy a used car.

"Financing will continue to be very, very affordable for most buyers," Alec Gutierrez, senior market analyst for Kelley Blue Book, told the newspaper. "You might actually have better luck than you thought with 0 percent."

The sheer number of auto loans is also on the rise. Through the first three quarters of 2011, there were 14.7 million loans, according to the news source. This is especially impressive once you consider that during the same period in 2010 there were only 13 million, and in 2009 there were only 11.7 million.

The news is even good for people with credit scores that may not be up to the level they want. In the third quarter of 2011, lending to less-than-prime borrowers was up 14.8 percent compared to the same period in 2010, Experian found.

If your credit history is not as spotless as it could be, New Jersey State Auto Auction is a great option. Thanks to a partnership with the Credit Acceptance Corporation, the dealer is able to offer guaranteed approval in just a matter of minutes. Not only will you be behind the wheel of a used car, but by paying back the loan on time, you can rebuild your credit.

Borrowing Rises Almost 10 percent in November

Spurred by the holiday season, consumers borrowing in November – on everything from credit cards to car loans – experienced its fastest growth in 10 years. Analysts found that borrowing rose 9.9 percent during the month, a clear sign that consumers are becoming more confident thanks to the recovering economy, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The findings come after buyers had been limiting incurring any debt, but industry insiders found that the number of car and student loans has been on a moderate incline for some time. The increase in confidence may indicate that it's a great time to buy a used car or make other big purchases.

"Consumer credit growth is a positive sign for the recovery in that it signals increasing demand and willingness to spend," economist Paul Edelstein told his employees, the WSJ reports.

The growing tendency of consumers to get a car loan is just one of many encouraging signs that point toward economic recovery. After a dip to 8.6 percent in November, unemployment fell once again in 8.5 percent in December. While some analysts are quick to point out that the United States will have to add around 250,000 jobs a month to make a significant improvement, any decrease is a good sign.

Anybody who is looking to take advantage of the improving economic conditions may want to head to New Jersey State Auto Auction. Thanks to a partnership with Credit Acceptance Corp., the dealer offers automatic credit approval. Even if your score has been hurt by the economic downturn, getting accepted for a loan is not something you have to worry about. Additionally, making payments on time is a great way to rebuild your credit score.

Mortgage Woes Not Stopping Auto Loan Approval

The last thing people who have fallen behind on their mortgages may be thinking about is buying a new or used car, but it turns out that they are growing more likely to be approved by auto lenders. Through the first three quarters of 2011, there were around 205,000 auto loans issued to people who were at least 60 days behind on their mortgage payments, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The figures represent a change in attitude among lenders who are becoming more accepting of applicants with marks on their credit than in past years. The shift may be indicative of the fact that they are trying to find good ways to work with people who have been hurt by the economic downturn.

Experian's vice president Michele Raneri told the newspaper that lenders need to ask "'How do we work with the new economy and consumers being late on their mortgages?' They know they need to grow…and they know they have to be flexible."

The willingness to approve loans to people who are behind on the mortgage or who otherwise have bad credit may be responsible for the growth in auto sales during 2011 as well. According to the WSJ, sales rose by more than 10 percent compared to 2010.

Regardless of whether or not you have fallen behind on your mortgage or have a checkered credit history, New Jersey State Auto Auction offers guaranteed credit approval. The service is thanks to a partnership with the Credit Acceptance Corporation, which can provide applicants with approval in as little as 30 seconds, so you can be in your used car and on your way back to rebuilding your credit.

Get an Auto Loan With Bad Credit

For people living with bad credit, it may seem like being approved for an auto loan is impossible. However, by making some smart choices and visiting New Jersey State Auto Auction, obtaining a loan is not that difficult and can help you to rebuild your credit.

According to Edmunds, the first thing you'll want to do is check your credit report. Along giving you a reference point when you apply for financing, it also gives you an opportunity to look or any mistakes that could make it harder for you to get a loan in the first place.

In addition to checking on your standing,  you may also want to limit the use of your credit card in the time leading up to your loan application. Once you know that purchasing a used car is in your near future, limiting your credit card use will let you pay off some of your debt and put you in a better position to get approved.

When it actually comes time to apply for financing, experts recommend that people with bad credit make a down payment on the loan. Even if it's something as small as $200, industry insiders say that it is a good move and can show potential lenders that you'll be reliable.

If you're concerned that a checkered credit history will keep you from getting a loan, New Jersey State Auto Auction is the place to go. Thanks to a partnership with Credit Acceptance Corp., the dealership is able to offer guaranteed approval. And for people with poor history it can be a great way to rebuild their standing

These Documents Can Get You Quickly Approved

Lenders may be becoming more apt to approve applicants for auto loans, but this can result in longer processing times than in years past. That does not mean there are no ways to expedite the process. You simply have to be prepared with the right paperwork and forms.

Experts say that one of the most important things to have ready is paperwork. You should have copies of either your W-2 forms or Federal Tax Returns, which are crucial in proving to lenders that you have an income and you'll be able to make your payments on time. Similarly, you'll probably have a year-to-date pay stub as another proof of income.

Along with providing proof of income, you will also want to bring any documentation of outstanding debt or loans that could show up on your credit report. This is especially important if there has been an update on the matter. As such, you may want to bring in your own credit report and your bank statement from the previous month. Not only will this make the process go more smoothly but it will also improve your chances of getting approved.

"Doing the groundwork before entering the loan process will allow for a smoother transaction with less frustration," said Doug Lebda, founder and CEO of LendingTree. "Although lenders are flooded with volume, borrowers who come to the table prepared will increase lender efficiency and will allow for a shorter closing timeframe."

Choosing the right lender is of the utmost importance as well, and few are more accommodating than New Jersey State Auto Auction. The business offers guaranteed approval to applicants regardless of their credit history.

Deadbeats Drop: Number of Auto-Loan Delinquencies on the Way Down

As the economy continues its slow but steady improvement, the number of U.S. auto loan delinquencies also continues to drop. Consumers credit data firm TransUnion says that delinquencies have been on the decline for much of the last two years and analysts expect the trend to continue through much of 2012.

The only thing threatening the reduction in the number of delinquencies is the growing number of loans in the first place. Experts say that loan recipients are most likely to fall behind in their payments early on, but they are confident for the continued decrease – especially in a number of states including Michigan, Rhode Island and North Carolina.

"Auto loans have performed quite well since the beginning of 2010 and we expect delinquencies to remain relatively low throughout 2012 as the gradual recovery in the economy will benefit both lenders and consumers," said Peter Turek, automotive vice president in TransUnion's financial services business unit.

Anybody considering applying for an auto loan may want to take a few steps ahead of time to make sure that they don't contribute to a rise in the delinquency rate. First and foremost, you should honestly assess your financial situation to know what you can afford. Additionally, you should make sure to get a copy of your credit report before you apply so you can address any discrepancies.

If you're considering buying a used car and are concerned about being approved for an loan, New Jersey State Auto Auction is the place to go. Thanks to a partnership with Credit Acceptance Corp., New Jersey Auto offers guaranteed approval regardless of whether you have good, bad, or no credit at all.