Car Preferences Differ Between Red and Blue States

Car buying trends often vary from state to state. For instance, drivers in Florida are probably more likely to purchase convertibles, while those in states with harsh winters might opt for more rugged weather-ready SUVs. A recent Polk report shows that politics can also play a role in the vehicles people choose to drive.

Researchers examined vehicle buying patterns to determine if there was a difference in the buying habits of red and blue states. They found that, on average, people in opposing political states tend to take sides when it comes to cars as well. Pickup trucks made up four of the top 10 vehicles in red states, while only accounting for two spots on the list in blue states. Polk attributes this disparity to the fact that America's heartland is predominantly red. The coastal states, which are largely blue, are a more successful market for smaller cars and foreign brands.

However, there were a few common interests between red and blue state drivers. The two most popular models in all 44 states (the report excludes undecided states and Washington, D.C.) were the Ford F Series and the Chevrolet Silverado pickups. The opposing political sides also had the same top brands, although their order of popularity was different. Beginning with the number one brand, blue state drivers prefer Toyota, Ford, Honda, Chevrolet and Nissan. Motorists from red states prefer American brands first, with the Asian makes taking up the final three slots in the top five.

Regardless of your political affiliation, you can find plenty of affordable makes and models at New Jersey State Auto Auction. All of their vehicles are CARFAX certified, so you know NJ Auto isn't trying to pull the wool over your eyes like some politicians may try to do.