Buy Yourself the Gift of a Used Car

You may not be able to fit it under the tree, but buying a used car during the Christmas season may be one of the best gifts you can give yourself. The auto research website found that buying a used vehicle in the weeks leading up to Christmas is a much better idea that making that purchase later on in the winter.

That means that you're running out of time to head to dealers like New Jersey State Auto Auction. Analysts say that used car prices will likely stay low until as late as January 8 before they start to climb up again. Making the purchase at the right time could save consumers as much as $800 on a $20,000 purchase. Much of the reason for the low prices has to do with demand, the website says.

"Demand is low during the holiday season, and that translates to lower prices on used vehicles and higher leverage with dealers eager to lock in sales," said Langley Steinert, founder and CEO of the website. "However, demand will come roaring back in the New Year, and dealers will be quick to adjust their prices. If you are planning to buy a car in the next six months, look for a used model and buy it before the New Year."

While prices may be reaching the lowest level of the year, at New Jersey State Auto Auction cars are always reasonably priced. Furthermore, thanks to the fact that the business is an authorized trade-in dealership you can get an even better price on your used car as well as get an instant appraisal on your current model.