What Does A Hissing Sound In The Engine Mean?


Is there a hissing sound originating from your used car’s engine? Well, if there is, there could be many reasons for that sound. A hissing sound from the engine generally isn’t a very good sign. However, there is no reason to panic.

In fact, it’s possible for most cars to carry parts that may create this hissing sound. So, before you jump to any conclusions, make sure you narrow down the problem to a specific cause. What you need to do is indulge in a thorough investigation to determine where that sound is coming from.

Look for visual cues. The more severe hisses are usually accompanied by some kind of release. For example, it could be coolant escaping from the radiator or radiator hose as a result of overheating. The coolant, in this situation, tries to escape in the form of steam.

If you can’t identify any visual cues, the next step is to listen closely, while the engine is still on. When you’re doing this make sure you follow a few safety measures. For example, don’t get too close to moving parts and if you have long or loose hair, tie it up.

Once you manage to identify the source of the hissing sound, start looking for symptoms. The symptoms will further help you decide what needs to be fixed.

Reasons for a hissing sound could include an overheating engine, in which case, you will need to fix the cooling system. It could also be that your catalytic converter or exhaust system is plugged. In this case, you will need to replace the parts in question.

If you’re concerned about the hissing sounds in your engine, please bring your pre-owned vehicle over to New Jersey State Auto Auction for a quick fix.





New Jersey State Auto Auction

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Jersey City, New Jersey 07306

Phone: 201.355.4138

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