The brakes are one of the most important aspects of your car, but unlike some other parts, these can easily fall by the wayside. In fact, many drivers don't even think about the brakes until something goes wrong or they need to rely on the brakes to save them from harm – and costly repairs.
Because the brakes are so essential, all drivers should know what signals faulty equipment. Here are three signs that your brakes need some attention:
1. Things don't feel right
One of the reasons people don't notice brakes until something is damaged is because we expect the gear to operate relatively smoothly. Any strange grinding of the brakes could be a sign that it's time to head to a professional garage. However, there might be a variety of new feelings that you don't remember. For example, the Car Care Council stated any vibrations or odd pulsing is something that should be noted. You should also check if the car pulls to one side or jerks when the brakes are engaged.
2. You hear strange sounds
Between the movies and your own fast-paced adventures on the roads, you've heard brakes squealing before. As much as the noise may make you feel like you're in the middle of an action movie, it's not normal. In fact, any noise made by your brakes is definitely strange, and it could be a sign that it's time for replacements. Screeching, squealing, clicking or any other out-of-place sound should send you running to a garage.
3. The car's braking habits have changed
Most drivers probably haven't measured their car's average stopping distance. If you're one of the millions of drivers who aren't actively monitoring braking habits – and let's face it, you probably are – you have to leave it up to a gut feeling. Does it seem like your car is taking longer to come to a full stop? Do you find yourself pressing harder on the brake for the same effect? If any of the answers to these questions are nagging you, it is best for your peace of mind, and your car, if you have a professional check the brakes.
So what do you do if your car's brakes are exhibiting one or more of these signs? The first thing you should do is schedule an appointment at a garage. NJ State Auto has its own facility, the Total Car Care Center, which caters to the public and could address any issues you may have.